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27 Julie

SENSORIESE INTELLIGENSIE - SPREEKKAMER | 26 JULIE 2021 | kykNET Lezanne Fieuw, ardbeidsterapeut van Kaapstad, verduidelik hoe die self-insig wat jy kry deur jou sensoriese intelligesie te ontwikkel, kan help om stres en angs in die werkplek te bestuur. Om jou sensoriese profiel te ken en te verstaan, sal bepaal watter self-regulerende strategieë jy in plek kan sit om te verseker dat jy die regte vlakke van stimulasie ervaar by die werk. SENSORY INTELLIGENCE - SPREEKKAMER | 26 JULY 2021 | kykNET Lezanne Fieuw, occupational therapist from Cape Town, explain how the self-insight gained from improving your sensory intelligence can help reduce anxiety and stress in the workplace. Knowing and understanding your sensory profile will determine what self-regulating strategies you can put in place to ensure that you enjoy the right amount of stimuli at work.