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20 Julie

HERSTEL VAN COVID-19 - SPREEKKAMER | 19 JULIE 2021 | kykNET Dr. Michelle Weyers, Algemene Praktisyn van Johannesburg, verduidelik wat die herstelproses van Covid-19 behels wanneer pasiënte ernstig siek was en in die hospitaal was, en wanneer die simptome ligter is. Sy sê dat pasiënte daarop voorbereid moet wees dat die herstelproses tydsaam is, en hulle tyd moet neem om behoorlik te herstel. Sy bespreek ook van die dralende simptome van sogenaamde "long Covid". RECOVERY FROM COVID-19 - SPREEKKAMER | 19 JULY 2021 | kykNET Dr. Michelle Weyers, a GP from Johannesburg, explains what the recovery process involves for patients who were seriously ill with Covid and hospitalised, as well as those who had milder symptoms. She notes that patients should be prepared for a slow recovery, and that you should take your time to heal properly. She also discusses some of the lingering symptoms of so-called "long Covid".